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SCC Mumbai

Circular - June 2020

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

The Parish SCC Coordinators

Archdiocese of Bombay

My dear Collaborators,

We have just begun a new academic year, 2020-2021. I take this opportunity to wish you everything good, as we do the best we can, during the Coronavirus pandemic situation, to be at the service of our people. I know that we live in trying times (so many of our people are suffering, families have lost their loved ones, the poor and needy are wondering when they will experience liberation, the sick and elderly at home, those living in containment areas, the list is endless), but I equally believe that the Lord Jesus is accompanying each one of us and we will surely and steadily be able to “see the light at the end of the dark tunnel” in the days and weeks ahead.

This academic year promises to be different; we may probably have online meetings, but not “live meetings” for the present moment. We will continue to use a variety of means to connect with our people (as many have already done in the past 2 months, during Lockdown 1.0 to 4.0) such as a telephone call to a sick/homebound person, a Zoom Meeting to pray the Rosary together, a Facebook/YouTube Mass or Prayer Service, connecting to the Archdiocesan channel for Mass celebrated by His Eminence, Oswald Cardinal Gracias and/or the parish channel, etc.), but finally, the aim is to keep the lines of communication open – to ensure that NO ONE IS IN WANT.

May I share with you a few important points:

1. There is a lot of information that can be shared with others (on Faith Formation, ideas for Sunday School, online outreach to different sections of the parish) in The Examiner (read more on, as well as The Examiner Catholic Newsweekly on Facebook). Other useful websites are:

2. I am enclosing 4 Prayer Services that can be conducted by the families at the moment of death.Please forward the same to the families in the clusters.

3. As our people in the vicinity are still struggling to cope with obtaining their daily provisions, may I earnestly request you to use ways and means to ensure that the people have the basic necessities of life (food, medicines, etc.); alternatively, you could bring the same to the attention of the Parish Priest.

4. Please visit the SCC website to get an idea of what the SCCs are doing across our Archdiocese. Please do send the latest updates from your own parish to

5. We are postponing the Skills for Animator’s Training Programme scheduled in July 2020. The new date will be intimated in due course.

6. Over 60 parishes have already sent their SCC Quarterly Reports (the last date was Sunday, May 31); this is a gentle reminder to those who have not submitted their reports (as well as the report on the Outreach Activities during the Lockdown 1.0 to 4.0), to send the same at the earliest to

I pray that you keep well. Stay safe and take all the precautions required if you have to go out on some urgent work. Together, let us fast and pray so that the Lord will bring us peace and joy, as we come out of the pandemic stronger with a renewed faith in HIM.

God bless you and all the members at home.

Yours in Christ,

Barthol Barretto

Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay &

Bishop in-charge of the SCCs, Archdiocese of Bombay


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