To all the Parish SCC Coordinators, Archdiocese of Bombay
My dear Collaborators,
We have already entered into the New Year 2023. I pray and hope that the New Year may inspire us to give our best to build communities based on love to ensure that no one is in want in the SCCs.
I take this opportunity to thank you sincerely for the selfless service that you rendered throughout the year 2022. I appreciate all that you have done in the SCCs in spite of your work schedules and household chores. You have been and continue to be angels of service. God bless you for your cheerful service!
On January 01, the Church celebrated the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and World Peace Day. Truly, we have Mary who is our Mother – Jesus’ parting gift to us, when HE was on the Cross at Calvary. May Mary continue to inspire us to be of service just like she visited her cousin Elizabeth. In his message on the occasion of the 56th World Day of Peace, Pope Francis has stated, “No one can be saved alone, Combatting COVID-19 together, embarking together on paths of peace.” What is uppermost in the mind of our Holy Father is the raging war between Russia and Ukraine. Over the past few months, Pope Francis has been repeatedly urging the President of Russia to put an end to the ongoing war. May I request you to pray for peace in the world, in our homes, and in the SCCs, particularly during the month of January.
Another highlight of the month of January is that the Church celebrates the Christian Unity Week from January 18 to January 25. I am sure and certain that our parishes will make this week significant by praying for Unity in a special way, so that the words of Jesus, “Father, may they all be one” be realized. It would help much if you organize a Prayer Service in the clusters of the SCCs; I shall send you a Prayer Service later this month.
As part of our reflection process, I am happy to inform you that Ms Candida Mendoza, one of our ART (Archdiocesan Resource Team for the SCCs) members and the Parish SCC Coordinator of Sacred Heart Church, Andheri (East) has prepared the attached paper (download reflection paper here). As usual, I request you to disseminate the Reflection Paper, so that it reaches all the families in the clusters. Please try and motivate the SCC Animators to reflect on the paper in the Core Groups and cluster meetings. I express my gratitude to Fr Ajit Tellis, Priest in-charge, St Anthony of Padua Church, Kalwa who has translated the paper into Marathi.
May I remind you of the following points:
1. SCC Quarterly Reports: The SCC Quarterly reports for the months of October, November and December 2022 must be sent via email to by January 15, 2023. 2. Parish SCC Rally: Those parishes that have not yet organised the Parish SCC Rally are requested to do so by April 2023. Please do not wait for the last moment. Several reports have been put into the Celebrating Community newsletter as well as our website. 3. Celebrating Community: The Christmas 2022 online newsletter was released on December 18 and sent to you; please circulate this across the parish through all possible communication channels. Those wishing to share news and updates of their parish may send a short report along with some high-resolution photos to These will be uploaded on our website 4. Identifying your Successor: Those Parish SCC Coordinators who have completed their six-year term (besides the extension of one year due to COVID-19) and/or have been members of the Parish Pastoral Council for six years (even if they have completed only three years as Parish SCC Coordinators) have to identify their successors with the help of the Priest in-charge of the SCCs at the parish level. As mentioned to you earlier, we need to have a proper handing over to your successor. 5. Steering Committee Meetings: I am happy to inform you that many parishes in our Archdiocese have already started conducting Steering Committee meetings, comprising the Priest in-charge of the SCCs, the Parish SCC Coordinator and all the Community Coordinators. Those parishes that have not yet started these meetings are earnestly requested to do so immediately. A report of the Steering Committee meetings, as and when held, may be sent to 6. Synod on Synodality: With the ongoing Synod process, I request you to kindly pray the attached Synod prayer daily in your homes and during the SCC meetings.
With every good wish,
Yours in Christ,
✠Barthol Barretto Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay & Bishop in-charge of SCCs, Archdiocese of Bombay
January 2, 2023