Archdiocese of Bombay
My dear Collaborators,
It’s about a month since I last sent you an e-mail. I hope you and your families are keeping well amidst the trying times we find ourselves in, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The daily newshas not been encouraging at all; a large number of people in our State and our City (including Navi Mumbai, Thane and Raigad Districts), in particular have been infected by the virus, hundreds have died, and many families in our SCCs are affected financially. Daily wage-earners and domestic workers are struggling to make both ends meet. It is in this situation that Iwrite to you, so that we can stay connected.
I thank you sincerely for all that you and the SCC Animators of your parish have been doing since the lockdown started on March 24 (midnight). I am tremendously amazed to see the wonderful work done by the parishes of our Archdiocese during the lockdown—your outreach activities, WhatsApp messages, telephone calls, financial assistance, and so on, have revealed your desire to ensure that NO ONE IS IN WANTin your Communities.
Over the past one week, I have had meetings on Zoom with the ART for SCCs, Deanery SCC Priest Coordinators and Deanery SCC Lay Coordinators. All of us have come to the conclusion that we must carry on the good work taking place in our parishes. Should you know of anyone in your Community who is still having a difficult situation and/or in a vulnerable state, please telephone the person and/or the family concerned. Kindly stay connected, and ensure that the person/family feels strengthened and supported by your telephone call. If there is a situation regarding medical bills, ration aid, etc. please refer the case to the Parish Priest and/or SSVP. We must strive to ensure that NO ONE IS IN WANT in our Communities.
I request you, as Parish SCC Coordinator, to stay connected with your Community Coordinators and Animators. Please encourage each Community Coordinatorto have a virtual meeting once a month, till we are in a position to meet physically. You may choose to use any of the existing tools available - Zoom, GoogleMeet, WhatsApp group call, conference call on telephone. You may discuss what is essential to your Community, how to build people’s confidence, speak about outreach activities, and so on. Staying connected and keeping the communication process open is the need of the hour. May I also earnestly request you to telephone your Parish Priest/Priest in-charge of the SCCs, and keep him informed about your meeting with the SCC Animators. Perhaps, he will also suggest ideas and points for the meeting. Please keep a record of these meetings; this will help you to prepare the Quarterly Report (July 2020 to September 2020).
Quarterly Reports for the quarter July to September 2020 are due to reach my Office (on e-mail: by October 15, 2020. Those who need to understand the Quarterly Report format may visit the SCC website to view the video or to download the form. I congratulate the 104 parishes that sent their Quarterly Reports for the period, January 2020 to March 2020.
You will be happy to know that the Archdiocesan SCC website, is being updated regularly. Please share the website name with others in your parish too.If you want to send some reports/articles/photographs of any happenings within your Community, you may send the same to
This year, we mark the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ (on caring for our Common Home). The Archdiocesan Office for Environment will prepare material that we can share in the clusters. In addition, let us do our bit for the environment, our Mother Earth – separation of dry and wet waste, avoiding the use of disposable plastic, nurturing vegetable, herb or fruit plants that you can grow easily at home, saving water, etc. Some ideas are displayed on our SCC website – do carry out those that are feasible now, and perhaps others with your clusters and Communities once the lockdown is fully lifted and the rules permit.
Keep well as we march forward with renewed enthusiasm to be of service to our brothers and sisters, including those of other faiths. You have the assurance of my prayers and good wishes.
God bless you and the members of your families.
Yours in Christ,
✠Barthol Barretto
Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay &
Bishop in-charge of the SCCs, Archdiocese of Bombay July 02, 2020