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SCC Mumbai

Circular - December 2021

To all the Parish SCC Coordinators, Archdiocese of Bombay

My dear Collaborators,

The month of December brings many celebrations - St Francis Xavier, Patron Saint of our Archdiocese, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of course, Christmas - the birth of Jesus, our Saviour. This month will definitely keep us occupied, as we will clean and decorate our homes, and either make or buy sweets to spread Christmas joy with one and all. In the midst of these activities, may I bring to your kind attention the bereaved members in our SCCs, the poor and needy in our parish community; let us reach out to them and share our joys with them, so that they too may experience the joys of the Birth of Jesus in their lives.

I have just had a round of physical meetings in each deanery with the Parish SCC Coordinators. All the Coordinators who attended expressed happiness. I enjoyed the interactions – very warm and personal – and after each meeting, I felt more energised to work for the growth of the SCCs in our Archdiocese. May all of us continue to work together, so that our SCCs become more and more vibrant and alive in our Archdiocese.

We are in the Season of Advent – a time to prepare for the second Coming of Jesus. Jesus comes, He comes, He ever comes; let us prepare our hearts to welcome HIM into our hearts and lives, so that we may experience the Birth of JESUS in our lives, and share this INner joy with others. To help us experience new INsights into Christmas, Fr Magi Murzello, Rector, St Andrew’s College, Bandra and other responsibilities, has prepared a meaningful reflection paper (download here). Please ensure that this paper is circulated to the SCC Coordinators and Animators, and motivate them to send the same to all the cluster families..

On behalf of the ART (Archdiocesan Resource Team) for SCCs, I take this opportunity to wish you a fruitful season of Advent. May we continue to share the message of Christ's birth, particularly with those who will not be able to celebrate Christmas cheerfully – the poor, the lonely, those on the periphery and so on. May we herald Christ's birth, so that there is no one in want in our neighbourhood.

As you are already aware, the Church Universal has launched the Synod 2021-2023. Our Archdiocese, along with all the other (Arch)dioceses, inaugurated the Synod process at the Cathedral of the Holy Name, Fort, on Sunday, October 17, 2021. For more information on the Synod, please log on to May I request you to pray for the success of the Synod. Prayer for the Synod : click here.

In view of the fact that the COVID-19 situation has now improved, I am planning to meet all the Parish SCC Coordinators in your respective Deaneries. Details of this meeting will be communicated to you shortly. May I also take this opportunity to request you to resume physical Core Group meetings, Cluster meetings, Steering Committee meetings, while following all COVID-19 protocols. Wearing of masks is compulsory. Reports of the (monthly/bi-monthly) Steering Committee meetings may be sent to; you will surely receive an Official reply.

May I remind you:

  1. to complete the formation of cluster families immediately, but not later than December 31, 2021.

  2. those Parish SCC Coordinators who will complete their six-year term on May 31, 2022 are requested to identify their successors immediately and not to wait at the last minute. Please discuss this important point with the Parish Priest/Priest in-charge of the SCCs.

Thank you for your selfless services to the parish community. God bless you and the members of your family.

God bless you and the members of your family.

Yours in Christ,

Barthol Barretto Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay & Bishop in-charge of SCCs, Archdiocese of Bombay

November 29, 2021



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