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SCC Mumbai

Circular - August 2021

To all the Parish SCC Coordinators, Archdiocese of Bombay

My dear Collaborators,

I am writing to keep you informed about the following essential points related to the functioning of the Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in our Archdiocese.

At the very outset, I thank you for having attended the recently concluded Parish Coordinators’ Meeting (deanery-wise) on the virtual platform. Your presence and valuable interactions have helped me to understand the current grassroots situation of the SCCs. With faith in God and in a spirit of collaboration, we move ahead to build vibrant communities to ensure that there is No One in Want (Archdiocesan SCC Vision Statement).

1. At the virtual meeting, I requested you to empower the SCC Animators with full charge of the cluster families (about 8 to 10 families in close proximity with each other). This will enable us to cater to the needs of each individual family. Also, please see to it that the Core Group meetings are held online every month. The Core Group Animators need to know what is happening at the parish level (a follow-up of the PPC meeting).

2. Steering Committee Meetings: If you remember, I had requested you to have the Steering Committee meetings once a month or once in two months (June 07, 2021). At the recently concluded virtual meeting, I mentioned to you that these meetings may be held once in three months. Whether your parish meets monthly/bi-monthly/quarterly, you will agree with me that these meetings are important, as they give us an opportunity to share the latest updates on the specific situation of each Community. The Steering Committee comprises all the Community Coordinators together with the Parish SCC Coordinator and the Priest in-charge of the SCCs. A report of your Steering Committee meeting may be sent to (A sample agenda of a Steering Committee meeting is included in the Minutes of the July Parish SCC Coordinators’ Meeting.)

3. Quarterly Reports: As is the practice followed in our Archdiocese, each individual SCC must submit its Quarterly Report to the Parish SCC Coordinator; he/she collates the reports and prepares a one-page summary duly signed by the Priest in-charge of the SCCs. The individual Quarterly Reports and the summary must be sent to as per the schedule: July-August-September (reports to be submitted by October 15), October-November-December (the deadline for submission of the reports is January 15) and January-February-March (the last date to submit the report is April 15). May I earnestly request you to follow the schedule and send the Quarterly reports. A format of the Quarterly Report is attached herewith (click here to download).

4. Term of the Parish SCC Coordinator: Through a circular dated September 25, 2018, I had stated that the term of the Parish SCC Coordinator is six years. Those who will complete their six-year term (on May 31, 2022) should already start identifying a possible successor with the help of the Priest in-charge of the SCCs. Please do not wait till the last moment to do this important task. Much depends on the Parish SCC Coordinator to keep the SCCs alive and vibrant.

5. Monthly Activity: The month of August brings us to our National Independence Day (and the Feast of the Assumption). Each SCC could organize some online activity - an online contest for the children (painting, singing, etc.), or a webinar/debate on citizenship for youth and adults; some civic action e.g. a local cleanup or dry waste collection could be initiated on August 15. You may send brief reports, photographs, etc. of SCC activities conducted in July (especially linked to Grandparents’ Day or Parents’ Day) for the diocesan website:

6. Reflection Paper: The Reflection Paper (click here to download) this month has been prepared by Fr Joshan Rodrigues, Managing Editor of The Examiner newsweekly. Please share this Paper with the Animators, clusters, families of your parish.

7. Please pray for those affected by the recent floods in Raigad and other parts of Maharashtra: you may support the relief efforts organized by your parish or by the Centre for Social Action.

With every good wish,

Yours in Christ,

Barthol Barretto Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay & Bishop in-charge of SCCs, Archdiocese of Bombay

August 1, 2021



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