To all the Parish SCC Coordinators, Archdiocese of Bombay My dear Collaborators, I am writing these lines today as the Church celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints. It is a day on which we celebrate all the Saints, known and unknown. While most Saints have a particular Feast Day in the Church’s Liturgical Calendar, there are Saints, holy men and women who have not been canonized – those who are in Heaven, but whose Sainthood is known only to God. In a way, All Saints Day is their Feast. May the Saints, known and unknown, who are especially dear to us, intercede for us so that we may become committed disciples of the Lord Jesus. Tomorrow, we commemorate all the Faithful Departed, commonly called ALL SOULS DAY. We will surely remember to pray in a very special way for the beloved members of our families, those near and dear ones “who have gone before us, marked with the sign of faith”. On this day, while we remember to pray for the deceased in our own families, may I earnestly request you to pray for those in the neighbourhood: our own SCC Animators and Coordinators, the senior citizens, adults, youth, children, etc. who have been special to us in the formation and growth of the SCCs; we miss them truly. A question that has often struck me is why do we remember the deceased only on November 02? Fr Gerard Rodricks SJ, Parish Priest, Holy Family Church, Chakala has prepared a thought-provoking Reflection paper on how we can remember the dead throughout the month of November. I request you to read and reflect on the paper, forward it to the SCC Animators and Coordinators, so that it reaches every family in the Clusters. (Download Reflection Paper here). Please ensure that the Core Groups and Cluster families reflect on the paper. Fr Ajit Tellis, Priest in charge, St Anthony of Padua Church, Kalwa has been kind enough to translate the attached paper into Marathi. Besides All Saints Day and All Souls Day, we will celebrate the Sixth World Day of the Poor on Sunday, November 13. The theme chosen by Pope Francis for the celebration of this day is: “For your sakes, Christ became poor” (cfr 2 Cor 8:9). I am sure you will motivate all the SCC Coordinators to do something to make this day memorable and special, so that we can truly say that there is no one in want in the SCCs (the Archdiocesan SCC Vision Statement). We will celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King on Sunday, November 20. Please see that all the SCCs make it a point to attend the Adoration Service in the parishes at the allotted time so that we can pray for peace in the world, in our community and in our lives. I am given to understand that a few parishes have already completed the celebration of the SCC Rally in their respective parishes. Congratulations to the Parish SCC Coordinators for having undertaken this major task in your respective parishes. I truly appreciate all that you have done to make the SCC Rally a day to remember. I request these parishes to submit the report and (high resolution) photographs to I take this opportunity to remind other parishes who have yet to organize your SCC Rally to do so by April 2023. A few points of importance: 1. SCC Quarterly Reports: We have received a good number of the SCC Quarterly reports for the period July 2022 to September 2022. May I earnestly request those parishes that have not yet sent their reports to do so immediately, but not later than Thursday, November 10, 2022. 2. Clusters: Clusters are an important component of the SCC structure. All the parishes must have clusters in their respective SCCs. Cluster meetings and activities should be organized on a regular basis. Visit the website for more information and ideas. 3. Steering Committee Meetings: Several parishes have already started conducting regular SCC Steering Committee meetings. May I request those parishes that have not yet conducted their Steering Committee meetings (Priest in-charge of the SCCs, the Parish SCC Coordinator and all the Community Coordinators) to do so immediately. A report of the meetings may be sent to 4. Meeting of the Parish SCC Coordinators: I am reminding you of the Archdiocesan meeting of the Parish SCC Coordinators at Our Lady of Salvation Church, Ground Floor Hall, Dadar, on Sunday, November 27, 2022 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., followed by lunch. Your presence will be highly appreciated. You may send a substitute to the meeting, only if you cannot attend for serious reasons. 5. CELEBRATING COMMUNITY (the official SCC newsletter): Those parishes that have initiated activities and programmes to activate the SCCs and/or have completed their SCC Rallies and/or the celebration of the 6th World Day of the Poor are requested to send a short report (about 300 words) to with high resolution photographs immediately, but not later than Sunday, December 04, 2022. 6. Identifying your Successor: Those Parish SCC Coordinators who have completed their six-year term (besides the extension of one year due to COVID-19) are requested to identify their successors with the help of the Priest in-charge of the SCCs at the parish level. We need to have a proper handing over ceremony to the successor. Thank you for all that you are doing to keep the SCCs alive and vibrant in your parishes. I appreciate all the trouble you take in spite of your work schedules and family responsibilities. God bless you and the members of your family. God bless you. Yours in Christ, ✠Barthol Barretto Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay & Bishop in-charge of SCCs, Archdiocese of Bombay November 1, 2022
Circular - November 2022
SCC Mumbai