November 24, 2019, marked an important day in our parish, as we not only celebrated the Feast of Christ The King, but held the Parish SCC Rally too.
The ten communities of our parish assembled before the evening Mass with their community banners aloft; everyone joined in a procession with the Blessed Sacrament around the church compound, reciting the Rosary. This was followed by a sermon and Benediction.
After Mass, the SCC Rally commenced with a Welcome Song by the Parish youth and children. Bishop John Rodrigues presided over the Rally. Each SCC staged a dance, skit or community song, involving maximum participation of their community members of all ages. There were food stalls managed by the SCCs to tickle our tastebuds. A special thanks to Fr. Anil Rego, our Priest-in-Charge who was very enthusiastic in conducting the SCC Rally on this day.